How does umbrella insurance coverage work?
An umbrella policy is meant to cover large-scale claims that are likely to go over the limits set in your commercial insurance policy or business auto policy.
For example, someone falls at your business and injures themselves very badly. If your commercial policy has liability coverage at $1,000,000 and the person ends up suing for $1,500,000 for medical bills, loss of income, and pain and suffering, an umbrella policy would be needed to fully protect your business. Having an umbrella policy in this situation could offer coverage for the $500,000 difference that the commercial policy would not have paid due to the case exhausting your policy limits.
For example, someone falls at your business and injures themselves very badly. If your commercial policy has liability coverage at $1,000,000 and the person ends up suing for $1,500,000 for medical bills, loss of income, and pain and suffering, an umbrella policy would be needed to fully protect your business. Having an umbrella policy in this situation could offer coverage for the $500,000 difference that the commercial policy would not have paid due to the case exhausting your policy limits.