General liability and property insurance
Theft, fire, water damage, and more can destroy your church without warning. When you don't have the right type of church insurance, rebuilding can be an impossible task to complete. The correct coverage plan will help fund the rebuilding process and you can focus on helping your members.
People are filing new lawsuits every day, and anyone who comes onto your property can try to claim damages. Depending on the outcome of the lawsuit, the court could force you to pay for the expenses out of your church funds. Because you will always face the risk of a lawsuit, you won't want to overlook the power of liability insurance.
- Protection from property damage
- Include all your buildings on the same policy
- Affordable insurance to cover rebuilding costs
- Liability coverage
People are filing new lawsuits every day, and anyone who comes onto your property can try to claim damages. Depending on the outcome of the lawsuit, the court could force you to pay for the expenses out of your church funds. Because you will always face the risk of a lawsuit, you won't want to overlook the power of liability insurance.